For Halloween we went to a haunted house in a citadel. It was great and they didn't have to do much to make it feel haunted since it was in the basement of a really old building. Halloween isn't largely celebrated over here, but some places do some things. We also carved a jack-o-lantern that turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself. :-P
We celebrated Thanksgiving twice, once in Germany with many people and once in France with less people but more Americans:

My roommate and I both like eating and sometimes we'll just go to a cafe and get a drink and a little somethin to eat. This was one such day at a tea house.
I haven't taken many pictures of the other stuff we do but we have gone to museums, made cookies at a friends house, had a few dinners with people, gone to the movies, discovered some of the 'night life' of Sarreguemines, done a little Christmas market shopping, decorated the house for Christmas and much more. We like keeping busy.

The ceramics museum in Sarreguemines
I have also been traveling around a little bit. Since I have been here I have been around near Strasbourg with some friends, to Belgium with another friend, and to Metz and Nancy. Its been a lot of fun.
The Pompidou Museum in Metz
The ocean as seen from Belgium. In the far distance is England but it cannot be seen with weather we had.
The car rally I went to with my friend in Belgium
Besides that, I have started running with a running group. We run at nights which is good for me and even better that I finally have people to run with. I get to speak French and get exercise :-D.
Also it is becoming more and more like winter. It rained this whole weekend but it was still a great weekend in general, complete with ice skating, italian food, christmas market, and fireworks with a friend :-)
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