This week has been awesome so far. We started prep courses for school on monday and I am in class with my roomate and a few other people. Our professor is really cool. We pretty much read the newspaper, write, learn grammar, and watch a little bit of a movie every day. But he speaks in french the entire time. He is really funny too. He draws pictures on the board if we dont understand something. And I like how everything is explained in French too, English is never used and I love that. One day last week it was break time but i decided to stay in class and I talked to a Chinese girl. It was just really cool because she couldnt speak English and I couldnt speak Chinese so we had to talk in French. I really want to see her dictionary from Chinese to French it would be cool. But our school is amazingly beautiful. This is me in the courtyard of it.

We are also getting settled into our appartment. We have made a few group dinners and they have turned out very well. Here is one of them

I just had to take this picture. This is my roomates friend from france. He IS the french stereotype. So I told him to hold a cigarette, baguette, and wine :-P

Last night we had our house warming party. It was a lot of fun. A lot of people showed up and they all loved our house. It is really dirty now though. :-P
2 commentaires:
that is so cool :) i think everyone will agree we are jealous!!! i want to speak to someone who doesn't speak english and have to communicate in a different language! :-D
I learned a bit of French just trying to figure out where to send this note!
Beautiful photos of gorgeous settings.
I would love to touch something made before 1492 (1700s around here)All of us 'back home' would love to be with you but your great commentaries allow us to feel near. Keep them coming.
Uncle Chuck
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